Fida Abbott's Books and e-Books

Exploring My Ideas
Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, in the Summer 2019, category of Short Story
Publication Date: June 5, 2018
Available to purchase: XlibrisAmazonBN, and Kobo
e-Book: 978-1-9845-1843-9
Softcover: 978-1-9845-1842-2
Hardcover: 978-1-9845-1841-5

Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, in the Spring 2010, category of Novel
Publication Date: February 24, 2010

Available to purchase: Xlibris, Amazon, BN, and Kobo
e-Book: 978-1-9845-1842-2
Softcover: 978-1-9845-1841-5
Hardcover: 978-1-9845-1843-9

The Abbotts' Community Service for Youth

Fida Abbott, before the workshop began.

On Fridqy, July 23, 2021, located at Coatesville Youth Initiative building, 545 East Lincoln Highway, Coatesville, PA, author Fida Abbott and Ariel Abbott worked together as facilitators for a workshop called Express Yourself Through the Arts. Fida led writing workshop and Ariel led creating a comic workshop to thirty Summer Service Corps members of Coatesville Youth Inititative (CYI). With only two hours slot, the members learned the basic knowledge about writing or creating a comic. They were devided two groups based on their interest, in writing and creating a comic. By the end of workshop the members were given the opprtunity to share their art works to the members.

Ariel Abbott was presenting in a workshop. 

Who is Ariel AbbottAriel Abbott, 12th grade student, is a youth author. In her seventeenth years old she published her first self-published book. It's a comic to support mental health awareness, titled Phoebe's Mental Health Journey (PMHJ). It was her Girl Scout Gold Award Project that benefits Coatesville Area Senior High School (CASH).In October 13, her comic received Bronze Award from Moonbeam Children's Book Awards.

Ariel keeps spreading the message from her PMHJ comic by donating her book to the right destinations and speaking about mental health awareness. To support her continuing project, she will hold fundraiser in series begin in November 2021 to February 2022. (*)

Published on Friday, Nov 26, 2021


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