Support "Enthusiasm" and "My First Travel Book" For A Cause: Super Typhoon Haiyan
With your loving thought and support upon purchasing Enthusiam and My First Travel Book, the author of Enthusiasm, Fida Abbott and the author of My First Travel Book, Anna Othitis, would love to donate to the Philippines, towards the victims of the recent "Super Typhoon Haiyan" disaster (natures fury) who lost all, their hearts go out to them.
You can purchase these books for Christmas/Thanksgiving gift if you have already had or read them.
by Fida Abbott

Here, she exemplifies her experiences, her family and relationships, her inspirations, and her passage towards her remarkable goals. This novel is a reflection of her own life, how she faces obstacles, how she handles life, how she inspires others, how she touches other people’s lives through her works, and how she achieved the amazing successes of her life and endeavors—a perfect blend of life’s spices.
Through Enthusiasm: A Novel Based on the Author's Own True Story, you will be affected by the author’s wonderful story. Filled with hope and inspiration, strength and enthusiasm, this book will draw out the best within your heart and mind.
For this Cause, 100 Perfect Bound Softcovers of Enthusiasm are ready to be sent to all of you who are called to support this Cause. Payment received via Paypal. Please, make sure you write your home address before you send the payment or send the message to Fida Abbott via Contact Form or her Facebook's Book Page.
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My First Travel Book

Angelic Airline Adventures
by Anna Othitis
Are you ready to take to the skies?
Then welcome to Angelic Airlines!
Come join the adventures of Captain Frankie and the Angelic Airlines flying angel as they travel across the world to some of the most popular, entertaining, and educational places in the world. Captain Frankie is waiting for you to book your ticket, safely stow your bags, and open your eyes to the beautiful places created for all of us to visit in My First Travel Book.
This children's book (3-9)--with your friendly "Captain Frankie" uniting children of the world to travel to some popular destinations in the lovely world, educational, informative, fun and inspiring for children.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you Lori. SO nice to meet other fellow author. Please, make sure to connect with The Enthusiasm Saga page at facebook.
Have a great night.
This Super Typhoon Haiyan reminds me about Tsunami happened in my country couple years ago. I can feel how the Filipinos feel right now. When Tsunami happened, I could feel my blood shrank when seeing a Doctor had to amputate a right/left foot of a lady without narcotic on TV. I went to the kitchen, closed my both ears, and cried. Thank you for everyone who will support and have supported us: Books For A Cause!
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